At Brookland Infant and Nursery School, we aim to help children become physically skilful and competent young people. We teach children how to develop and acquire the physical skills to take part in a range of physical activities. We promote the value and enjoyment of being physically active and ensure children develop their ability to make informed choices about their involvement in healthy, active lifestyles. At Brookland Infant and Nursery School, we recognise the importance of physical activity and understand children need to develop their physical skills to help them achieve in other areas of the curriculum.
Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage have access to a wide range of activities each day that help promote their physical development. We understand the need for children at this age to develop their gross and fine motor skills in order to have the confidence and desire to get involved in physical activity. In the Summer term the children go swimming every week.
Every child in Key Stage 1 takes part in at least 2 hours of P.E. each week, covering Gymnastics, Dance and Outdoor Games. In the first half of the Autumn term and the Summer term the children in Year 1 and Year 2 will go swimming every week.