Curriculum Enrichment Opportunities
We believe that a broad and balanced curriculum extends beyond the classroom and therefore we offer a wealth of experiences throughout their time at school to enhance their school experience.
Our Promise to our Children
By the time you leave Brookland Infant and Nursery School you will have had the opportunity to:
- Learn to play a musical instrument
- Take part in a class Assembly
- Take part in a year group performance
- Sing in a concert
- Participate in mindfulness activities as part of well-being
- Be a Brookland Leader
- Be a Play Expert and have your name in the school newsletter
- Be a Gold Book star and have your name in the school newsletter
- Sleep one night away from home with your class
- Take part in the Barnet Infant Music Festival
- Swim in our pool and be taught by a Swimming Coach
- Participate in subject specific celebration days
- Have a festive party with your class
- Join our singing club
- Attend a Pyjama movie night at school
- Enter a school based competition
- Take part in the Barnet Dance Festival
- Have a real life theatre experience
- Listen to a live music band or orchestra
- Take part in our themed curriculum weeks
- Visit a museum or place of interest in London with your class
- Have your voice listened to and influence decision making through School Council
- Have your voice listened to on important matters through our Child's Voice meetings
- Raise money for a charity
- Celebrate your culture and family traditions with others
- Take part in a celebration from a different faith or culture to your own
- Participate in a Sports Day
- Attend an after school club
- Work towards achieving a Junior Duke Award
- Listen to many different ‘Mystery Readers’ in class
- Share your love of reading with a ‘Reading Buddy’ from a different class or year group
- Celebrate your learning at ‘Let Your Child Explain’